Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sony's Blues with my views

#1 1 - Research the setting of “Sonny’s Blues” – Harlem, NYC.

The setting of Sonny’s Blues takes place in 1957. Early Harlem’s economy centered on agriculture until the railroad and Manhattan street system brought industry to the area. A housing boom ensued and over-zealous builders found their buildings empty and opened their doors to tenants of all colors. Before the Great Depression, Harlem’s reputation as an economic and political powerhouse for the African American community was unrivaled in the US (welcometoharlem). After the stock market crash, Harlem went through hard times but in no way faded from public consciousness. In the 1950s and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, influential leaders like Malcolm X and Reverend Adam Clayton Powell Jr. who helped move the Civil Rights Bill through Washington motivated residents to take action.

2 – How does the setting affect/shape Sonny’s character and create conflict/complications in the story?

The setting affects and shapes Sonny’s character due to the easy access to drugs and the violence in that era. Sonny was full of potential but was threatened by the drugs and violence of the urban ghetto. At that point of time in Harlem all you saw was a bunch of lost boys doing nothing with themselves and falling into the epidemic and just so happens Sonny’s falls into the trap because he could not get away.

#2 1 – Research the history of African-American men in the military – Pre-Civil Rights movement.

Before the civil rights movement African American men in the military had a long and distinguished record of volunteering for the military combat from the Revolutionary War through the Korean War but their patriotic efforts were often spurned by white officers (archives). In 1953, lynching of blacks in uniform spurred President Truman to desegregate the military. After their liberation from slavery, black men tried to prove their patriotism and to improve their standard of living by serving in the U. S. military, hoping that serving their country would prove them worthy of the same respect and opportunities given to whites.

2 – Why is it ironic that Sonny wants to enlist?

It’s so ironic that that Sonny wants to enlist in the military because he wanted to get away from the drugs and the violent streets of Harlem as well as it would give him an opportunity to get a college education on the GI Bill. This is a part of the family’s urban experience. The army was safer than being at home.

#3 1 – Research song lyrics by Billie Holiday. Find a song or verse that you feel best represents the suffering of Sonny – his blues. Include song title and lyrics here.

The song I think represents Sonny’s suffering is called “Foolin Myelf”. The lyrics in the song states, “And ev'ry time i pass........And see my face in a looking glass......I tip my hat and say"how do you do, you fool.......You're trowing your life away....."I'm acting gay......I'm acting proud.....And every time i see you in a crowd.......I may pretend......But in the end.....I'm just foolin myself”

2 - Explain why.

I feel that these lyrics represent Sonny’s suffering because I felt deep down inside that was what he felt about himself. I think this best represents Sonny and his suffering because he was following the wrong path, doing drugs. After being arrested for a while he had time to think about what he done and when he was released he seemed determine to keep clean from drugs and do what he really wanted to do with his life. Ultimately he did not want to feel like a fool anymore for that he had done and tried his best to stay clean and keep on track and hoped he was not fooling himself in the process.

#4 1 – Research Bebop.

Bebop is a musical style of jazz characterized by its complex and unpredictable melodies. This genre of music came about in the 1049’s and 1950’s as a separation of restricted sounds of big band music and other styles of jazz. Bebop takes certain elements from both blues and swing and blend them to make it own unique sound. Bebop is meant to be listened to rather than danced. It emphasizes on player’s solos and makes them more personal and intimate to the player. Socially, bebop signified a rebellion by the people who played the music and had a passion for it. A rebellion rising out of the masses themselves, since the people themselves is the source of the social movement. Bebop is said to have started in Monroe’s Uptown house and Minton’s in New York City.

2 – Bebop is the music that Sonny favors. What does the music represent politically and socially to Sonny? What does the music represent to Sonny’s brother?

Bebop was more than just a political and social thing for Sonny’s it was more of an escape from all of the problems in society and within himself as a person. Politically music for Sonny was his voice beyond the apparent disposition of his stature. Music gave him a voice to stand out politically against and for what he believed in. In the days of Sonny’s downfall he felt the world outside of home was rebelling against him and did not allow for him to grow as a person but rather held him back from becoming someone great in society. Socially music allowed Sonny to be involved and bond more with people that have gone through similar things he have gone through especially his downfall with his drug addiction. Socially with music he had people that had something in common with in and would not have to judge him because they understood where he has been. To Sonny’s brother music represented everything that had gotten Sonny to where he was. For him music had no real importance other than entertainment until the day he heard Sonny play in the club. It was then that he realized it meant more, he realized that it had a special significance and helped people express themselves when they lose their voice, in order to help them heal and become better people and correct the wrong in their lives.

Works Cited

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job with your analysis! However, remember to include all of your sources.
    Grade = 20/20
