Monday, October 5, 2009

Poetry Image Writing

After Reading “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”, I had a feeling of death and uncertainty about why these people were trying to avoid something that was going to eventually come to pass. Also, there was a sense of rage and anger about death and a feeling that is was too soon to die.

The chosen image reflects the emotions conjured by the poem by expressing the sense of death and not wanting or ready to die. I also get a sense of despair.

After Reading “ We Real Cool”, I felt a sense of freedom and limited stability. Also certainty that death was a common occurrence to doing things that make you sin and also no one can avoid death. You should just accept it.

The chosen image reflects the emotions conjured by the poem by expressing a sense of friendship and how close they are and the part in the poem that’s state “we sing sin”. The picture shows people smoking and drinking and giving a care about how that can cause death.

After reading “I felt a Funeral, in my Brain” I had a sense of cluelessness and uncertainty. I felt that the person was unaware of what was going on in the world around them and felt over-whelmed by their life.

The chosen image reflects the emotions conjured by the poem by expressing their world and how their brain was overworked and about to explode.

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